Piles Treatment in Ayurveda — Best Home Remedies & Medicines

4 min readMar 14, 2021


Piles or hemorrhoids is a distressing gastrointestinal condition involving inflammation and swelling of veins in the lower rectum and around the anus. In most cases, the problem causes discomfort and pain during the passage of stools, but in severe cases it can be exceedingly painful. It can also cause other symptoms like itching and bleeding. The condition most commonly develops due to frequent or chronic constipation and straining to pass stools, which is most closely associated with low fiber intake. As this is the main feature of urban ultra-processed diets, piles has become increasingly common not just in the developed world, but also in India. If the problem is addressed in a timely manner, home remedies for piles and natural interventions will suffice. Ayurveda gives us some of the best information on such home treatments and diet and lifestyle changes that are needed for a lasting piles cure.

Piles Treatment In Ayurveda: Home Remedies & Medicine

Although piles is a pervasive phenomenon today, it was not unknown in the ancient world and Ayurveda has a wealth of information on the subject. In ancient Ayurvedic texts, a condition called arsha most closely resembles hemorrhoids. These texts give us some valuable insights, recognizing the different types of piles, and giving us recommendations on the use of Ayurvedic medicine for piles. Here are some of the best ayurvedic medicines for piles and fissures, including a combination of Ayurvedic herbs, supplements, and topical applications.

Psyllium Husk

Since fiber deficiency is the most common cause of chronic or frequent constipation, which exacerbates piles, fiber supplementation is the most obvious solution. The soluble fiber works as a gentle bulk-forming laxative that eases the passage of stools. As it isn’t completely digested or broken down it forms a viscous solution in the gastrointestinal tract, making it easier to pass stools without straining. Fiber supplementation should only be increased gradually as a sudden increase in fiber intake can lead to indigestion, bloating, and gas.


The very name ‘guggulu’ can be translated as ‘protection against diseases’. The herb is highly valued in Ayurveda for its wide-ranging health benefits and it is used to balance all of three doshas and clear any obstruction of srotas. Guggulu also possesses strong anti-inflammatory effects, which is why studies show that it can help to heal hemorrhoids, which are basically inflamed and swollen veins. The herbal ingredient also relieves constipation and eases bowel movements, making it an important ingredient in some of the best medicines for piles.


Haritaki or harda is most popular as a remedy for respiratory tract infections, but that is just one of its many benefits. The herb is also known to work as a natural digestive aid, which can help when dealing with piles or hemorrhoids that is exacerbated or caused by digestive problems. Most notably, haritaki has strong anti-inflammatory properties and this can help to provide relief from the painful symptoms of piles. The herb’s antimicrobial effects can also help to lower the risk of infection and speed up healing of piles.


Neem remains popular and highly valued in Indian culture and medicine, most frequently used as a home treatment for skin conditions and to relieve itching from chickenpox. However, it is not just the leaves of the neem tree that possess therapeutic properties. The seeds, which are referred to as lembodi are also helpful, particularly in the management of constipation and piles. This is because the seeds are high in soluble fiber, much like psyllium husk. Lembodi can also be taken as a supplement, but you may also find it as an ingredient in some Ayurvedic medicines for constipation and piles.

Aloe Vera

Strictly speaking, aloe vera is not a traditional Ayurvedic herb, but it has been embraced and incorporated into Ayurveda because of its many natural benefits. Aloe may not be the miracle herb that it is often touted to be, but has proven anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects, which can be beneficial when dealing with painful conditions like piles and anal fissures. The topical application of aloe gel or ointments containing aloe can offer quick relief, reducing pain, burning, irritation, and itching. Just make sure that the aloe gel or ointment that you use does not contain any added fragrances or chemical ingredients as these can cause further irritation to inflamed piles.

Coconut oil

The Ayurvedic treatment of hemorrhoids would not be complete if we didn’t mention coconut oil. Although the oil is most popular as a hair care product across India, it also offers other benefits that are now being recognized by modern science. Known for its gentle moisturizing effect, the oil can be used as a topical application to soothe inflamed painful piles. Evidence from studies shows that coconut oil contains biologically active ingredients that enhance wound healing that can help in the management of piles or hemorrhoids, while the moisturizing and soothing properties of coconut oil can provide quick relief from symptoms.

Although all of these home remedies for piles are known to be effective and should help relieve your symptoms, Ayurveda recommends a holistic approach to the management of health conditions. This means that your treatment shouldn’t just focus on quick fixes with home remedies or Ayurvedic medicines for piles. Instead, you should correct dietary and lifestyle mistakes that are at the root of the problem to find a permanent piles cure. If you need more help or cannot find relief with these treatments, make it a point to consult an Ayurvedic physician as soon as possible.




Dr. Vaidya’s is a new age Ayurvedic products company founded by a family with 150 years of Ayurvedic heritage.