How To Increase Sex Time Without Medicine — Ayurveda Treatment Guide

5 min readMar 24, 2021


Sexual stamina is a very important factor in sexual performance for men. The longer you last during sex, the greater your sexual stamina and prowess.

Throughout the ages, men have done their best to improve their sex time and better satisfy their partners. Men have used herbs, minerals, and other items to improve their sexual stamina.

With the advent of Ayurveda, several herbs and formulations have been discovered that can increase sex time.

There are also allopathic medicines that many men use to counter poor sexual performance. However, these medicines (like Sildenafil) come with side effects that make them less appealing.

In this post, we will be discussing 14 ways to increase your sex time without using prescription medicines:

1. Eat The Right Fruits And Veggies

If you eat the right fruits and vegetables, you may experience a boost in blood flow to the penis, improving performance.

Garlic and onions can promote blood flow. Chillies and peppers support blood circulation while reducing inflammation and hypertension. Bananas are packed with potassium that lowers blood pressure.

2. Communicate With Your Partner

Sexual intercourse is possibly the most intimate way we communicate with our partner. But talking and communicating with each other is also important.

Talk to your partner about their desires and wants. Tell him/her about what turns you on and off. This pre-coitus communication will help you avoid awkwardness during sex.

3. Exercise To Stay Fit

Sex is a very physically demanding activity. So, if you aren’t in good shape, you are going to struggle to perform at your best.

Instead, do a little exercise every day (like walking, jogging, or swimming) to keep your cardiovascular health in shape. Along with increasing your sex time, also expect a boost in sex drive after exercising.

4. Lower Stress Levels

Stress and anxiety can negatively impact your libido. Too much stress can also elevate blood pressure and strain on the heart.

Men can also find it harder to get and maintain hard erections due to psychological stress. Lower your stress levels and you may see a boost in libido and sexual performance.

5. Catch Some Sun

Studies have found sunlight to slow the body’s melatonin production. This hormone is known for its effects on slowing sex drive as well as improving sleep.

So, spending some time in the sun can help you improve your sexual stamina.

6. Start-Stop Technique

The start-stop technique is a simple but effective technique that can help delay climax for men. To follow this technique, you need to stop sexual activity when you feel you are about to ejaculate. Allow your body to come back down and slowly start again.

Following the start-stop technique is effective at training the body to delay ejaculation.

7. Eat The Right Meats And Foods

When it comes to foods that help you last longer in bed, foods with Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B1 are a great start.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in avocados, tuna, and salmon help boost blood flow. Vitamin B1 found in pork and peanuts heightens the signal processing in the nervous system, improving erections. Eggs can also improve erections by regulating hormone levels and lowering stress.

8. Get Rid Of Some Bad Habits

Some habits like smoking cigarettes and excessive alcohol consumption are known to affect sexual performance in men and women. These stimulants can constrict blood vessels, making it more difficult to achieve hard erections.

Getting rid of such bad habits can boost sexual performance and improve the quality of your life.

9. Practice Meditation

Mental stress and anxiety are one of the most common reasons for poor sexual performance. This is why practising meditation and mindfulness can help to bring the right focus to sex.

Being mindful can help you be more present during sex, improving your performance as well as sexual pleasure.

10. Foreplay Is Essential

While penetration is an important part of having sex, it shouldn’t be the only part. Men struggling with lasting longer in bed can try foreplay as a way to improve the sexual experience for you and your partner.

Foreplay can include kissing, touching, and oral sex. You should also know that studies have found 36.6% of women experience orgasm from clitoral stimulation as compared to 18% through penetration.

11. Try New Things

Doing the same things in bed with your partner over and over again can dampen your passion for sex. So, try new things to bring the spark back into your relationship. Try a new position or having sex in a different location.

That said, this also isn’t limited to sexual activities either. You can try seeing a new band, cooking together, or hiking.

12. Use Masturbation Increase Sex Time

The concept of ‘practice makes perfect’ is true when it comes to a lot of things, even masturbation. Studies have found masturbation can help increase sex time without medicine.

When masturbating, the goal should be to last as long as possible before you orgasm.

13. Try Ayurvedic Medicine For Sex Power

Ayurveda has several sexual health herbs and spices that can help improve your sexual stamina. Shilajit, Ashwagandha, Tribulus terrestris, and Maca are some of the more popular ones.

You can get Ayurvedic Male Wellness products like Herbo 24 Turbo that support sexual wellbeing and health without the potential side effects of allopathic sex medicines.

14. Talk To A Doctor

While the other tips can help improve sexual performance for most men, there may be some who still struggle with poor sexual stamina. For these men, the best thing to do is to consult a doctor.

Problems like erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation, and Peyronie’s disease are more common than you think. Doctors are also trained to help treat these problems using a range of therapies that don’t always include medicine.


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Dr. Vaidya’s is a new age Ayurvedic products company founded by a family with 150 years of Ayurvedic heritage.